Supervised driving
Hints on when to go out
When starting to learn how to drive in a tuition car with a driving instructor there are dual controls and these can be accessed in an emergency to keep safe.
You may want to drive without your driving instructor and drive with a suitable person supervising you.
Normal cars do not have the dual controls and so there needs to be an understanding of the basic car controls before you can consider going out supervised.
To supervise a learner legally you need to have held a full licence for 3 years and be a minimum of 21 years old.
Another factor is how often the dual controls are used, if the dual controls are more or less not used, is it safe to go out supervised?
Or should you wait until they are not used at all?
If you are having lessons with me then we can discuss when it would be safe to go out supervised.
Artwork © 2020 Yeliz Alciner (most of it & the best bits) & Iain McLaughlan (outline drawing)