Kettering Driving Test Routes - 1
1. Leave the driving test centre and follow on to Orion Way. 2. Turn left at the McDonald's roundabout onto Pytchley Lane. 3. this lane joins the A509 Pytchley Road. 4. Take the second left onto Bryant Road. 5. Take the second right onto Edward Road. 6. Follow round to Thomas Road. 7. Pull over and carry out Emergency Stop. 8. Follow round to Martin Road. 9. Turn left into Bryant Road again but the opposite direction. 10. At the end of the road turn left onto A509 Pytchley Road. 11. At the mini roundabout take the first exit to the left onto A6003 London Road. 12. At the next roundabout take the second exit straight ahead continuing on London Road. 13. Take the next turning on your left into Silverwood Road. 14. Turn right onto Summerfield Road. 15. At the next roundabout take the second exit following the road ahead onto Seagrave Street. 16. Take the next turning on the left into St. Michael's Road. 17. At the next crossroads follow the road ahead continuing on St. Michael's Road. 18. Carry out the turn in the road. 19. At the crossroads turn left onto Argyll Street. 20. At the next crossroads go straight ahead. 21. At the next crossroads turn right onto Hawthorn Road. 22. At the end of the road turn left onto A6003 London Road. 23. Independent drive starts (follow signs to Corby). 24. Turn right onto the A4300. 25. Turn left at the mini roundabout first exit continuing on the A4300. 26. Turn right onto Pipe Lane. 27. At the roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Warkton Lane. 28. At the end of the road turn left onto Barton Road A6003. 29. Follow signs to The Midlands. 30. At the A14 roundabout take the third exit onto the A14. 31. Take one junction on the A14 following signs for Kettering (S). 32. At the next roundabout take the third exit onto the A509. 33. At the next roundabout follow the road ahead second exit onto the A509. 34. At the next roundabout take the second exit onto Orion Way. 35. Follow the roundabout ahead, second exit staying on Orion Way to the driving test centre.