
Eye Services 2

The best lane to get into to get to your exit.

The dots help you to see what road to get into to get your exit.

The red dot is from Werrington / the A47 A15 intersection roundabout going towards Boongate/Orton.

Here when there are 4 lanes it is best to take the 2nd lane from the left and follow it round in the 2nd lane until you pass the Flag Fen turning (3rd exit) then keep in the lane and it will become the 1st lane from the left.

The black dot is from Boongate towards Eye.

You will need to be in the 3rd lane from the left and as you pass the first exit stay in the far left lane, then exit towards Eye.

The green dot is from Boongate to Flag Fen.

You will need to be in the far right lane, after you pass the first exit then filer out 2 lanes to get into either the far left lane or the second from left lane.

When you pass the Eye exit, signal left.

The blue dot is from Eye to Werrington.

Try to get into the far right lane as soon as is safe to do so. After you have passed the second exit then filter out into the far left lane if you can, if you cannot then the second from left lane will be OK.