Perception or Prediction?
Is it better if you predict what hazard is going to happen rather than just spotting it?
If there were 5 hazards happening at once is it better to test the skill of prioritising which hazard has to be dealt with first?
The current Hazard Perception test has a window where you score 5 points and then it goes down to zero points depending on when you spot the hazard, may you have clicked on a non developing hazard and not seen the developing hazard at the 5 point time zone?
If there were 5 hazards happening at once is it better to test the skill of prioritising which hazard has to be dealt with first?
The current Hazard Perception test has a window where you score 5 points and then it goes down to zero points depending on when you spot the hazard, may you have clicked on a non developing hazard and not seen the developing hazard at the 5 point time zone?