Peterborough Driving Test Routes – 27
27 (24/01/18, 12:38)
1. The SatNav was started immediately. 1a. Drive right out of the Driving Test Centre onto Second Drove. 2. At the end of the road turn left onto Fengate. 3. Pull over on the left and drive on again. 4. At the mini roundabout go straight ahead, 2nd exit. 5. Follow the road and it will go onto Bishop's Road. 6. At the mini roundabout take the 1st exit continuing on Bishop's Road. 7. Turn left into the Council Car Park and drive forward into a bay, reverse out again and continue in the loop to get out of the Car Park. 8. At the end of the road turn left onto Bishop's Road. YOU MAY ONLY TURN LEFT OUT OF THE CAR PARK. 9. At the roundabout take the 2nd exit onto Bourges Boulevard (TK Max on your right). 10. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit continuing on Bourges Boulevard (train station on your left). 11. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit continuing on Bourges Boulevard (Waitrose on your left). 12. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit continuing on Bourges Boulevard. 13. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit continuing on Bourges Boulevard (Toys R Us on the left). 14. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit continuing on Bourges Boulevard. 15. At the next roundabout (Brotherhood) take the 3rd exit onto the A47 towards Wisbech. 16. At the next roundabout take the 1st exit onto Fulbridge Road (the speed limit is 30 mph and the Examiners SatNav will say 60 mph, this is because it changed and the SatNav is out of date). 17. At the roundabout take the 1st exit onto Paston Lane. 18. Pull over one car length away from the parked car and drive on again, SatNav finished. (Angled Start). 19. Paston Lane goes into Mildmay Road and follow the road to the right going into Paston Lane again. 20. At the crossroads turn right onto Churchfield Road. 22. At the Crossroads there is a STOP sign, turn left onto South View Road. 23. At the end of the road turn left onto Lincoln Road. 24. At the next roundabout (Brotherhood) take the 1st exit onto the A47 towards Wisbech (yes, same road as earlier). 25. At the 2nd roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Paston Parkway (A15 South). 26. At the next roundabout (Eye Services) take the 4th exit onto Frank Perkins Parkway (on approach be careful as the speed limit drops to 40 mph, people get caught out here and get a “serious”). 27. The examiner says we are staying on this for one mile, which is a sign that there is no call to overtake in normal circumstances. 28. At the next roundabout (Boongate) take the 2nd exit to the left onto Boongate. (be careful if you cannot get your exit go round the roundabout again). 29. At the next roundabout take the 3rd exit continuing on Boongate. 30. At the traffic lights turn right onto Fengate. 31. Take the next turn on the left into Second Drove and turn left into the Driving Test Centre.